Green Battery Tips For Your Android Phone by Battery Care Guide

Green Battery Tips For Your Android Phone by Battery Care Guide1. Turn Off That Screen! (Oh, and lower its brightness too.)

I know you probably love that 4-inch piece of glass, so sharp and clear. The fact is though, that the screen is the number one culprit for sucking down your phone’s juice. So, get to the Display menu in your phone’s settings and turn off automatic screen brightness. For one thing, it’s not a terribly useful feature, and it uses unnecessary Dell inspiron 6400 Battery,Dell inspiron 1525 Battery.

Still in that folder? Good. You’ve got a couple more things to do.Once you’ve turned off the automatic brightness, you get to set the brightness setting manually. Turn it down. Way down. See how your screen still looks pretty darn good? After a minute or two, you won’t even notice the difference. Now, just down a ways from there you’ll see an option for “screen timeout”. Turn that way down too. If you slip your phone in to your pocket, do you really need the screen on for another 45 seconds? Of course not, so set it to something lower.

2. Change your Wireless Network Settings

This isn’t something typically recommended, but the fact is,those 3 and 4g radio antennas in your phone use a whole bunch more battery than the older 2G standards. You know, the one everyone used just fine for voice, text, and e-mail for years? So, if you’re getting low on Dell d630 Battery,Dell gd761 Battery, head over Wireless & Networks section of your phone’s settings and then go to “Mobile Networks”. Now tick the box that’s labeled “Use only 2G networks”.

Oh, and while you’re there, notice that your wi-fi options are under Wireless & Networks as well. A lot of people leave this on, but it zaps your battery to constantly have your phone on the lookout for the nearest access point. Turn it off until you need it. Unless you’re streaming YouTube videos, managing which radios your phone is using unnecessarily will keep your battery in the green for much longer.

3. Pare Down your Home Screen

Modern Android phones support “live wallpapers” that are a lot of fun to look at. They’re pretty and everything, but when it’s the choice between a fish swimming around my fingertips and being able to make a call at 4:00 in the afternoon, I’ll take the call. Also, if you’re using device with an AMOLED screen (you’ll have to look up your phone’s specs to know, but quite a few phones have them now), consider using a darker background image. AMOLED screens don’t use power to display black (kinda neat), so you can save battery just by using a dark wallpaper.

The final Dell inspiron 1520 Battery,Dell 6400 Battery-killing culprit on your homescreen is your widget selection. It might be nice to constantly have your phone telling you what temperature it is outside and how the S&P 500 is doing, but for the most part, you probably rarely even glance at them, and they’re sucking up juice every time you turn on your phone.

CloudTags:Green Battery Tips,Android Phone,,Acer as07b52 Battery,Acer as07b72 Battery,Acer aspire 5920 Battery

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Par bestlaptopbattery le mercredi 20 avril 2011


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